I was chatting to a friend recently, on Twitter, about how perseverance is as important as talent and it got me thinking about the times I’ve really needed to draw on that quality during my writing career. You can be the most exquisite novelist or poet in the world but if you fall at the first or second hurdle your work will never find its way into the hands of readers.
Here are some of the HURDLES I’ve faced and how I’ve got over them.
Rejections – I started writing in 2005 and sure enough, the rejections soon started coming in after I submitted my first novel. And I’m in good company. Stephen King’s Carrie was rejected 20 times, Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind almost 40. I have a pile of over 80 rejections upstairs in a folder for various manuscripts. For some reason I can’t throw them away. I think it’s because they represent my journey and if I’m going through tough times now they are a pertinent reminder that failure only exists if you give in. But how did I overcome that sense of disappointment and the tears? I sought the support of my online and real-life writing friends. Becoming part of an author community gave me perspective and made me realise I was not alone – that publishers or agents turning down my manuscripts wasn’t personal. And hearing success stories of writers who’d been in my position but still eventually got that publishing deal was great motivation. So don’t write in a vacuum – network and find some support.
Writer’s Block – this doesn’t happen to me often and that’s because I view my work as very diverse. Stuck on a chapter? Go and write a blog post instead. Or a short story. Or go to a cafeteria and plan the chapter roughly by hand – that always works for me. I consider all of this to still be writing and it takes away the sense of failure if I’m staring at a blank page. Or go and read a book for inspiration. It all counts. Failing that, simply take a break for a couple of hours, a day, a week…
And remember the words of Margaret Atwood: “If I waited for perfection, I would never write a word.” Just write something. Get on with it. Leave the refining to the rewrite.
Bad Reviews – this isn’t something I thought about before signing my first deal. All I’d dreamt of was beautiful covers, shelfies and launch parties. Yet the first rating I ever received for my debut book, on GoodReads, wasn’t glowing and made me sharply aware that I was going to need to toughen up. Sadly my horrified expression was captured in my passport photo taken the next day although I’m glad to say that the book became a Kindle bestseller. I can laugh now, but at the time it was upsetting. However, over the years I have learnt to ignore the insulting reviews. I accept that all books get their fair share of poor ones and this is confirmed whenever I look up my favourite authors on Amazon. Some writers never read their reviews – and that is one way of dealing with it. I read every single one, with an open mind, as long as it is constructive (and polite!). It’s interesting to read the criticism, some of which I take on board if I think it makes a fair point.
My work is ME – this attitude is very debilitating and one that needs to be quashed. It’s hard for creative folk to separate themselves from their work, especially if they do it full-time. I went through a very challenging period a couple of years ago when I felt that if a book didn’t do as well as the previous one I, as a person, had failed. This, of course, is rubbish. Writing is my job – not me. I’m also a wife. A mother. A daughter. A friend. A reader. A cook. A homemaker. A fan of Buddhism. A linguist. A Walking Dead fan. And many other things.
You need to separate YOU from your authorly alter ego. Never believe that you are the sum of your sales. There are many dimensions to you. Writing is only one of them.
Self-doubt – I blogged about Imposter Syndrome here – that feeling that we’re not really authors and that someone will one day find us out. Published or unpublished we are plagued by self-doubt, especially before that first deal, but if you are putting finger to keyboard and honing your craft, you don’t simply need a contract to validate that YOU ARE A WRITER. So give the post a read and find out how I overcome those negative voices.
Rewrite Blues – these hit me recently after feedback. I almost gave up on the project but now I’m so glad I perservered. I blogged about how to cope with this here. Just remember that if someone is willing to put in the time to give you detailed, challenging feedback, it means they believe in you and your work. Step back. Deep breaths. Don’t take it personally and then get on with making your manuscript really sing.
KEEP ON GOING, whatever your own hurdles may be. It took me eight years to land my first publishing deal and it’s been worth every minute of what I call The Wilderness Years, when I was writing and submitting – although I won’t add “with little success” because the success was that during that time I was learning my craft.
And last up – manage your expectations. I couldn’t believe my first ever submission was rejected – oh, the ignorance of an ingenue! Forget red carpet film adaptation deals and literary prizes. As JK Rowling once said on Twitter (about her and her alter ego Robert Galbraith):
“Believe me, neither @RGalbraith nor I walk around thinking we’re fab. We just shoot for ‘writing better than yesterday’”.
I’ve never known a writer – who didn’t give up – not to get their work out there. Believe in yourself. Improve your art. And don’t get your passport photo taken after your first ever bad review because you’ll be stuck with it for ten years 🙂

Another insightful and inspiring blog post, Samantha, thankyou.
My debut novel comes out soon – I’m excited and apprehensive in almost equal measure, but reading posts like this make me realise I’m not alone X
Thank you Sue, and how exciting for you – wishing your book the best of luck! Yes, it really helps to realise that we are all faced with the same challenges. I try to step back and not attach too strongly to either the highs or the lows x
Thank you for such an inspiring. And thoughtful blogpost, Sam.
Thanks for popping by, Paula, glad it’s been useful 🙂
Well done for laying out the hurdles to be overcome by aspiring/emerging writers in a structured and easy to read manner.
It covers all the salient points.
As well as writing ourselves, this art demands that we support and encourage other writers and you have achieved that aim in this blog. Wish more writers could read it.
What a lovely thing to say, thanks so much Tricia. Yes, I wouldn’t still be writing if it wasn’t for the support and honesty of writing friends. Good luck with your work.
On a day when I’m dithering over edits of only book 2, I really, really needed this. Thanks so much, Samantha, you really do inspire so much, especially given the mutual genre!!
Thank YOU so much, Berni, so glad it has been useful! Keep on going – you can do it. Perhaps head off to your nearest coffee shop for a brainstorming and cake session 🙂
Big thumbs up to that suggestion! And thanks again:)
There isn’t a lot cake can’t fix 🙂
Great advice as ever Sam. Thanks
Thanks for popping by, Carol 🙂
Hi Sam, I recognise every wordi of that article! Trouble is my ‘writing career’ such as it is…started up back to front.I was commissioned (ME?!)! to write a book about hotel life, having recently sold such a business & the book was a success (two reprints). After updating two other books for the same publishers and seeing a second book in print (which also sold well) tempus fugitted (1984/5-2000). Suddenly I was in technology-land without an ology to my name..HELP . i have gathered a few prizes & won a few comps, BUT the six books I’ve written since then (all ebooks as against a mainstream publisher ) apart from one which made it to No.1 in Kindle’s memoir/social history category, have had disappointing sales. Trouble is I’m too eclectic! Hey ho! I Iive in hope. Good luck with your books.Cheers.
Hi Joy, thanks very much for popping by and well done on your career! There are so many avenues into publishing. One reason I like writing short stories is that I can create lots of different settings and write in many voices. But you are right, it is harder to jump from genre to genre with novels. Best of luck with your writing!
Needed this today Sam and as ever your post is inspirational, easy to read and encouraging.
Thank you xxxx
Thanks Sue… keep on trucking 🙂 xx
I am going through a self-doubting period at the moment. I have a new agent and waiting to see if I have a new publisher. Your words were inspirational to know that other authors have the same problems and I am not alone. I enjoyed reading your blog and a friend said I should set up a blog. Not sure about that yet. Thank you Sam. Sylvia.
Thanks very much for popping by, Sylvia. I must say I enjoy blogging – and I don’t post too often, so it doesn’t infringe on writing time too much. No, you aren’t alone. Well done for getting a new agent and good luck with the submissions. The best advice I can give is to get on with your next project and that way you are looking forwards, whatever happens. Exciting – if nerve-wracking- times for you! Sam
Honest and Constructive!