Carina Author Writing Tips!


Here are some fabulous writing tips from the great bunch of authors that write for my publisher, CarinaUK HarperCollins.  These wonderful people have offered me plenty of encouragement and support over the last couple of years, so my piece of advice would be don’t write in a vacuum – network with other authors. They’ll get you through the tough times – and send much-needed supplies of virtual chocolate and cocktails 🙂

  • Kathy Toigo Write the very best book you can. Period. The rest will follow.
  • Lynsey James Never give up. Dreams come true, and so can yours.
  • Jennifer Bohnet You Never Fail until you stop Trying.
  • A L Michael It’s easy to talk about writing a novel- sitting the hell down and writing it is where the magic happens! Less talking about writing, more actual writing!
  • Kathleen McGurl Write the kind of book you most like to read. Don’t try to jump on the next bandwagon – write your own thing and BE the next bandwagon!
  • Kerry Barrett  I had a friend at uni who – if we were flapping about an essay – would say: “Just write it down and hand it in.” That’s become my mantra!
  • Anabelle Bryant Let your writing breathe. Whether you’re perfectly happy with your words, or hitting a wall, walk away and let your manuscript breathe a while.
  • Lillian Kendrick  It’s your book and if you don’t love it, no-one else will.
  • Terri Nixon  There’s a lot of conflicting advice out there, for everything from plotting to querying. Don’t Panic! Read as much of it as you can/have time for, then make up your own mind.
  • Karen Aldous Think like a writer, feel like a writer, write like a writer – once you believe, the rest will follow…to THE END
  • Raven McAllen Write as you can, not as you think you should
  • London cocktails
  • Ann Troup Read what you love and let it inspire you, but when you write find your own voice – it will set you apart from the rest.
  • Katlyn Duncan Write. Read. Repeat. You will become a better writer when you practice and experience others work.
  •  Molly Ann Wishlade Stop procrastinating then read, write and read some more.



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